
How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks In A Week

With the advancement of age, the skin of the human body gradually loses its sheen. As this skin becomes less flexible, the tissues in the middle layer of the skin become stretched as a result of constant expansion and contraction. This results in the formation of fine marks or scars under the epidermis - the top skin layer. Over time silver lines, called stretch marks, form. Stretch marks can occur as a normal part of pregnancy, rapid growth spurts, or weight gain. Many people are uncomfortable with these marks; these simple home remedies can help soothe delicate skin and help your skin retain elasticity.

Aloe Vera

The healing properties of Aloe Vera are very effective in reducing the appearance of stretch marks. Collagen, which is the most important protein present in the skin to make it supple, is abundantly found in the leaves of the Aloe Vera plant. These outer leaves, when broken, secrete a sticky gel which is very beneficial for skin repair. Simply use this gel as an ointment and apply on the affected parts. After a couple of hours wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat daily till favorable results are achieved. For pregnant women, or those with stretch marks that formed rapidly, the soothing properties of Aloe Vera can help with irritated skin.

aloe vera stretch marks

Potato Juice

Potato juice is rich in antioxidants, compounds that prevent or slow down skin cell damage. This occurs at the cellular level by reducing the damage of free radical molecules that impede healthy cell regeneration. The starch content in potatoes has emollient properties to help to soothe the skin. Just take a medium-sized potato, with skin, and cut it into thick slices. Rub the extract of these slices gently on the affected parts and leave for 10 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. Repeat twice daily, till favorable results are achieved.

potato juice stretch marks

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice, a great source of Vitamin C and Ascorbic acid, is popular in many home remedies, including reducing the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Vitamin C assists in collagen production, a protein which is present in the bones and ligaments of the body and helps blood cell growth. Healthy, regenerative cells result in firmer skin. Lemon juice from a lemon cut in half, if applied on the stretch marks and then washed with water after 10 minutes, can produce skin lightening results - reducing the appearance of stretch marks. Repeat every day till the desired results are achieved.

lemon juice stretch marks

Vitamin E and Olive Oil

Olive oil is a rich source of antioxidants, mainly vitamin A and vitamin E. Collagen damage is the main reason for the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles on the skin. The properties of vitamin E can help slow down the chain of free radicals that are responsible for damage at the cellular level. Vitamin A helps thicken the dermis and increases blood flow to the skin surface. Massaging warm olive oil a few times daily on the affected parts will help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

organic remedies for stretch marks

Egg Whites

The white portion of the egg is known to have at least 40 different kinds of protein, especially collagen, which is a wonderful tissue repairer aiding in firmness, suppleness and skin cell growth. This well-known treatment can be adopted at home by simply removing the white from the yolk of the egg. Whisk the egg whites until frothy and then apply to the skin. For best results, leave on for fifteen minutes and then wash with lukewarm water. Try this treatment every day for best results.

stretch marks treatment

Baking Soda

Exfoliation means removal of dead skin cells and replacing them with younger cells underneath the skin. An easy at-home exfoliation recipe uses baking soda as an ingredient. This exfoliation can reduce the appearance and texture of stretch marks. The natural exfoliant present in baking soda minimizes these marks, which may have been a result of damaged skin or excess weight. For best results, next time you are in the shower, mix some baking soda with your body wash in a cloth and gently rub the stretch marks in a circular motion with this mixture. Rinse off the mixture after a few minutes and repeat two or three times a week.

stretch marks tratments

Yogurt and Honey

The lactic acid present in the yogurt is a wonderful collagen producer and is known to make the skin lighter as well. Honey is another product that keeps the skin moist and supple, and the combined effect of yogurt and honey is the best remedy for removal of skin deficiencies. Mix a cup of Greek yogurt with a tablespoon of honey and apply on the stretch marks. Let it remain for about half an hour and then rinse with water. Repeat daily till the desired results are achieved.

yogurt stretch marks

Grapefruit Juice and Coconut Oil

While the oil from the coconut helps moisturize the skin and keep it firm. Grapefruit juice is used for reducing the size and appearance of stretch marks and making the skin lighter. Make a mixture of three tablespoons of coconut oil and one tablespoon of grapefruit juice and gently massage on the desired areas. Repeat twice daily for best results.

natural remedies stretch marks

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is made up mostly of acetic acid and malic acid, both of which can effectively repair scar tissue damage. Take some apple cider vinegar and fill an empty spray bottle. Add a moisturizer to it and carefully spray over the affected areas every night before retiring for bed. Rinse these areas in the shower the next morning. The addition of moisturizer is only necessary if you have dry skin. Repeat every night for best results.

home remedies stretch marks

Lady's Mantle

The leaves of the lady's mantle plant are known for their anti-inflammatory and healing uses. It greatly helps in slowing down the breaking of the skin's tissues and reducing stretch marks. Place some dried lady's mantle leaves in a liter of boiling water and allow it to remain for ten minutes. Take a clean cloth and dip it into the boiled leaves. Apply the warm cloth on the stretch marks and repeat daily. For best results, carry this out at least three times a day.

stretch marks

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks In A Week


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